Political Punch

Power, pop, and probings from ABC News Senior White House Correspondent Jake Tapper

Obama Campaign Hiring: Seeking ‘Head for Politics, A Sense of Humor, and Buckets of Common Sense’

If you’re an unemployed Democrat with a knack for Facebook and Twitter, President Obama’s reelection campaign may have a job for you.

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August 24, 2011 in 2012, Devin Dwyer, President Obama | Permalink | User Comments (26)

What Does the President Think About the Criticism of His Vacation?

ABC News' David Kerley reports: Libya, earthquakes, and now a hurricane all during the President’s Martha’s Vineyard vacation. Conference calls on the golf course, reignited criticism from several quarters about the 10-day holiday on this island off of Massachusetts. So,...

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August 24, 2011 in David Kerley | Permalink | User Comments (82)

What's Next For Libya and Where Is Gadhafi?

ABC News' Stephanie Smith reports: The White House is touting the time it took to overthrow Libyan tyrant Muammar Gadhafi – a subtle bit of horn-tooting for the administration at a time when there’s not much else to brag about....

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August 24, 2011 | Permalink | User Comments (6)

Vacationing Obama Calls CEOs for Ideas on New Jobs Plan

On a day that the Congressional Budget Office predicted slow economic growth, and an unemployment rate still over 8% by the end of next year, the White House says the President continues to work on his new jobs plan during his Martha’s Vineyard vacation. And the President is taking some advice.

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August 24, 2011 in David Kerley | Permalink | User Comments (20)

Obama Monitors Hurricane Irene, But No Plans to Cut Vacation Short

With the powerful Hurricane Irene heading toward the Carolinas, the White House says preparations are well underway, but that the President has no plans to return to Washington D.C. early.

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August 24, 2011 in David Kerley, President Obama | Permalink | User Comments (5)

US Seeks UN resolution to Release $1.5 Billion to Libyan Rebels

A United Nations Security Council diplomat tells ABC News that the United States plans to introduce a resolution at this afternoon that would authorize the transfer of roughly $1.5 billion of Moammar Gadhafi’s frozen assets to the rebels.

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August 24, 2011 in Kirit Radia, Libya | Permalink | User Comments (8)

Quake Tremors Reach Obama on Vineyard, But He Didn't Feel Them

President Obama was playing golf today at the Farm Neck Golf Course on Martha’s Vineyard when the 5.8 earthquake hit the east coast, but he didn't feel the tremor, a White House spokesman said.

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August 23, 2011 | Permalink | User Comments (68)

Hillary Clinton: Secretary of Quake?

ABC's Kirit Radia (@kiritradia_abc) reports: Does today’s east coast tremor put a hole in the “Secretary of Quake” theory? Maybe not, as it seems the shaking earth has followed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton home. Since she became America’s top...

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August 23, 2011 | Permalink | User Comments (8)

President Bikes, Keeps Tabs on Libya

ABC News' Stephanie Smith reports: This morning at the Blue Heron Farm, National Security Adviser John Brennan gave the President his daily national security briefing which included the lastest developments in Libya, according to White House Deputy Press Secretary Josh...

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August 23, 2011 in Libya, Obama, Barack, President Obama | Permalink | User Comments (26)

Biden Under Fire for 'Not Second-Guessing' China's One-Child Policy

Vice President Joe Biden is under fire for appearing to condone China’s one-child policy during a speech Sunday at Sichuan University in Chengdu.

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August 23, 2011 in Devin Dwyer, Joe Biden | Permalink | User Comments (74)

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